The following is an announcement of a Helsinki Commission hearing (TOOLS OF TRANSNATIONAL REPRESSION: How Autocrats Punish Dissent Overseas) on September 12, 2019, that should be of interest to followers of international enforcement cooperation — especially the role of INTERPOL. |
WASHINGTON—The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, today announced the following hearing:
TOOLS OF TRANSNATIONAL REPRESSION How Autocrats Punish Dissent Overseas
Thursday, September 12, 2019 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Cannon House Office Building Room 210
Live Webcast:
As modern technology has allowed political dissidents and human rights defenders to operate from almost anywhere on the planet, repressive regimes have searched for opportunities to reach those who threaten their rule from afar. To silence dissent from abroad, autocrats often turn to the International Criminal Police Organization, known as INTERPOL, to file bogus criminal claims seeking the arrest and extradition of their political targets. This abuse of INTERPOL Red Notices and Diffusions enables autocratic governments to harass and intimidate their opponents thousands of miles away, even within free and democratic societies. The U.S. Helsinki Commission will convene an expert panel to highlight how autocrats today use INTERPOL and other means such as surveillance, abduction, and assassination to punish dissent overseas. Witnesses will suggest how the United States and other democratic nations can defend against these threats to the rule of law domestically and internationally. The following witnesses are scheduled to participate:
Additional witnesses may be added. |
### The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, is an independent commission of the U.S. Government charged with monitoring compliance with the Helsinki Accords and advancing comprehensive security through promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in 57 countries. The Commission consists of nine members from the U.S. Senate, nine from the House of Representatives, and one member each from the Departments of State, Defense, and Commerce. |
In response to Your very good tekst on blog, as a form of international knowledge sharing I am sending the paper in which corruption is explained matter-of-factly and clearly NETWORK, on the basis of knowledge, experience and conducted analyzes, Journal: “Internal Security Review” 2018, nr 19. (english version)
J think that sending text is worth wider dissemination among experts for knowledge sharing, educational, cognitive and utilitarian purposes